Interviewing Applicants

Andrew Brassington · December 29, 2013

I’ve been doing a lot of interviews for the past several months, especially when I’ve been at home. I fly back and forth from the Bay area to Houston, TX to work at a programming bootcamp full time just about every weekend.

One of the last interviews I did, the applicant was clearly very sharp and asked me a lot of questions after I’d finished asking him the questions I needed from him.

‘On the website, you claim to have a 100% hiring rate within 30 days, can you explain how that’s possible?’

Gulp, I didn’t even see that that statistic was on the main website. I had no idea what to tell him. I responded, ‘To be honest, that sounds a little hight to me. I haven’t seen that statistic, and I will have to get back to you.’

‘How many of your students still have the jobs they landed when they were hired out of the program?’ and ‘How do you calculate the average salary you have listed on the site?’

I have no idea. We, as interviewers, should have this information to give. Again, I answer that I don’t know and that we’ll have to follow up with him.

Clearly, we need to keep better stats so we can share them with students in the future. All the same, I’m glad we’ve got students who are asking…
