Revamping Curriculum

Andrew Brassington · January 16, 2014

We’ll be making some major changes to the curriculm at Coder Camps in the following months, starting with more JavaScript. This will be a huge challenge for me, becuase I don’t know all the corners of JS. Taking a challenge like this head on will help me develop better skills, so it’s a great place to try to strengthen areas where I’m weak.

We will be integrating a main framework, but haven’t officially decided which one we will teach. Some of the javascript frameworks are vastly more complex than others, so I’d like to pick one that’s easy to teach with a short learning curve.

I really think that focusing on the JS fundamentals will yield the best result for our students. Steering clear of teaching JQuery may be a first step. Without JQuery, I think our students would be better C# developers as well, because the syntax is very similar.

We’ll keep trying new things with each class, and see what works.
